Cool Knitting Patterns I Have Found

Friday, December 02, 2005

ski hat


Circumference: 23 inches


[MC] Jamieson's Spinning Shetland Spindrift [100% Shetland wool; 145 yd/131m per 25g skein]; color: #750 Petrol; 2 skeins
[CC] Jamieson's Spinning Shetland Spindrift; color: #365 Chartreuse; 2 skeins

1 (5 needle) set US #2/2.75mm double-point needles
4 extra double-pointed needles, smaller than US #2/2.75mm
Split stitch marker or safety pin
Small tapestry needle for weaving in ends


32 sts/34 rows = 4" in stockinette stitch

[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations can be found here]

With MC and US #2/2.75mm dpns, CO 36 sts (9 sts on each of 4 needles).
Join to begin working in the round, being careful not to twist. Place marker or safety pin on first st. (Carry this first st marker throughout.)

Rnds 1-8: K all sts using MC.
Rnd 9: [K1, m1, k2, m1] around. 60 sts (15 sts on each needle)

Cont following charts, increasing as instructed.
MC is represented by blank squares.
CC is represented by asterisks.

Chart A -- Right Track
Chart B -- Large Snowflake
Chart C -- Left Track

Work Rows 1-10 of Chart A. Chart A will be repeated 10 times around the hat.

On Chart A Row 11, work increases as follows: [K2, m1, k3, m1] around. 84 sts (21 sts on each needle)

Work Rows 1-14 of Chart B. Chart B will be repeated 6 times around the hat.
On Chart B Row 15, work increases as follows: [K3, m1, k4, m1] around. 108 sts (27 sts on each needle)

Work Rows 1-10 of Chart C. Chart C will be repeated 18 times around the hat.
On Chart C Row 11, work increases as follows: [(K4, m1) 6 times, k3, m1] around. 136 sts (34 sts on each needle)

Chart D -- Right Skier
Chart E -- Left Skier
Chart F --

Work Rows 1-17 of Chart D. Chart D will be repeated 8 times around the hat.
On Chart D Row 18, work increases as follows: [K3, m1, k4, m1] to last 3 sts, k3. 174 sts
(Sts distributed as follows: 43 sts on first and third needles, 44 sts on second and fourth needles.)

Work 10 rows of Chart A again. This time, Chart A will be repeated 29 times around the hat.
On Chart A Row 11, work increases as follows: [K13, m1] to last 5 sts, k5. 187 sts
(Sts distributed as follows: 47 sts on first, second, and third needles, 46 sts on fourth needle.)

Work Rows 1-17 of Chart E. Chart E will be repeated 11 times around the hat.
On Chart E Row 18, work decreases as follows: [K24, k2tog] to last 5 sts, k5. 180 sts.
45 sts on each needle

Work Rows 1-6 of Chart F. Chart F will be repeated 45 times around the hat.
The body of the hat is complete.

Ear Flap Chart

Ear Flaps
Leaving 5 inch tails, break off both yarns.
Rearrange sts as follows:
Place last 22 sts of round on needle with first 23 sts of round. 45 sts on needle. This becomes needle #1.
Place 45 sts on each of 3 needles. The needle opposite needle #1 becomes needle #3.
Ear flaps are worked on needles #2 and #4.|

With RS facing, rejoin yarns to right end of sts on needle #2.
Work ear flap back and forth, following Ear Flap Chart.
Odd-numbered rows are knit, and even-numbered rows are purled.
Work decreases as indicated, 1 st in from edge.
For example, work Row 3 as follows: K1, k2tog, work foll chart to last 3 sts, ssk, k1. Where a row shows that 2 sts have been decreased, work decreases as foll: K1, k3tog, work to end of row foll chart, k3togtbl, k1.

Leave rem sts on hold on needle or st holder.

Work Applied I-cord
Using smaller dpn, pick up (DO NOT pick up and knit) 30 sts along back edge of right ear flap, NOT including 3 sts on hold.
Using larger needle and CC, CO 3 sts
Slide these sts back to the right end of the needle, pulling the yarn from the third st around the back of the sts, knit st 1 and 2, yarn over, knit st 3 and the first st picked up from the ear flap together, pass the yarn over this third st.
[Slip the three sts on your right hand needle back to the left needle, bring the yarn coming from the 3rd stitch around the back of the work, knit sts 1 and 2, yarn over, knit stitch 3 together with the next stitch on the ear flap, pass the YO over the st just worked.] Repeat this step until all picked up sts have been worked.
Continue in this manner along the back edge of the hat [incorporating the live sts from needle #1], down the back side of the other ear flap [picking up 30 sts here] down to and including the 3 sts at the bottom of the ear flap.
You'll now have 3 sts on your needle. Slide them back to the right hand of the needle, and k a simple I-cord to make your under the chin ties.

Note: As this hat has ear flaps, these ties don't have to be too long! I suggest you leave these sts on hold and work the ties after all applied I-cord has been completed.

Work applied I-cord up the front of the left ear flap, across the front of the hat, down the front of the right ear flap, and continue down to make a short tie on this ear flap. Judge how long to make your ties by the amount of yarn you have left. (I only had a very small amount of yarn left when I'd finished my hat.)
Finish the I-cord ties by breaking off the yarn leaving a 5" tail.
Draw this yarn through the 3 live I-cord sts, tie, then push it up through the center of the I-cord for a couple of inches -- bring it to the outside and cut off.
Give it a little tug to hide the cut edge back into the I-cord tie.


Using both colors, make an oversized tassel for the top – I used the width of a CD case for my top tassel. Use a doubled length of yarn to catch your cast on sts and gather them up to finish the top of the hat and attach your tassel.
If you like, put little tassels on the end of the ear flaps, or at the end of your ties. Dress it up as much as you want. Traditional Chullos have tassels and sometimes tiny little felted pom poms!
Secure all tassel and weave in all yarn tails as necessary using your sewing up needle.


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